
Thursday, February 6, 2014


Hey y'all I know its been ages. But I always have an explanation. I just hope its worth it.

So my internship ended last friday and I have been horribly busy since then. I know I promised that this feature every thursday, trust me PHCN has not been faithful to me as usual.

Here is a piece from walter shakes, I hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me.

Disclaimer: the writings here are the opinions of the writer. And by no means the ideas of Reflections.

Enjoy the read.

I do not understand the world.
The world, it would seem, does not understand me either.
Life is full of paradoxes, and the people who live in it perpetuate them. Life's often called a bitch – I assume the hobbies that earned her that moniker keep her very busy. But I wish she will take a moment from all her bitchy business to answer some of the questions I have milling in my head. Like, why the world encourages you to be who you are, and the right people ill love you for it. And yet, when you are exactly that, all the people that matter, and then some, will form a solid wall of disapproval.

I am many things, most of them a riot of personalities.
Reserved yet genial. Introverted yet appreciative of company. A lover of good humor and laughter, often stricken by long spells of welcome brooding. I write lots of words, and often times, I find very little of them to speak. Music and stories are a balm to my soul, and the joy of company a welcome catharsis.

I am many things, and God made them so.

And the world wants me to be all of them, as much as I can be. Yet it brings woe on me for doing just that. That's the irony of life, I suppose.

One of the many reasons she is called a bitch. Because no matter what battles you pick, she will always make ready a sufficient variety of opposition. Those who stink of disapproval and judgment.

At the end of every day, I always come to one realization – to not rely on the gratification gotten from others. It is fleeting. Here now, then gone. To be who I am, whilst mindful of the people around me. Because ultimately, my happiness is no one's gift to me, but my objective to accomplish.

I am many things, and all of them I am resolved to be.

Walter Ude.

You can follow him on twitter @Walt_Shakes,

And he blogs regularly at .
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. Ummm deep. Life can sometimes be bitchily bitchy

  2. I write lots of words, and often times, I find very little of them to speak.....

