
Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Hey y'all. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. This is just something I thought I should share.

There are times that we wake up in the mornings and feel like you fell off a cliff somewhere. Due to the fact that we had a lot on our minds the night before or there was an unsettling in our spirit.

We drag ourselves out of our beds/mat and murmur words that hardly sound like prayers and more like someone was forcing you to have a conversation when you don't want to, but because its a routine to pray, you just have to do it. (I can see people nodding their heads in agreement)

But truth be told. It doesn't matter what problems you are having, or what trials you are facing. All that matters at that point in time is knowing that God is bigger than any of your problems/trials you have or will have.

You are not dead,sick,suffering from temporal or permanent insanity and definitely not memory loss.

Its not news that I dance on my way to work, on this fateful day, a mad man, a homeless man, cause he spoke to me in clear english and said my child. Why do you always dance and laugh every time? I was scared, but I answered and told him, Because I am Alive and well. He told me something I would never forget "Never give that up for anything".

There are times when I wouldn't even want to wake up, but I just get my worship on and sing a brand new song to my happiness.

You have the ability to infect someone with happiness. you may not know it. But people watch your every move, someone might me having a bad day and feel better by just seeing how happy you are.

So here is me saying no matter what you are going through. Every day gives you a chance at a fresh start. Learn to find beauty in what doesn't seem beautiful.

Also remember that psalm 30:5 says that God's anger last only but a moment, His goodness for a lifetime. Tears may flow in the NIGHT, but JOY comes in the MORNING

Smile the minute you wake up, even when there is nothing to smile about. Lamentations 3:19-24 says that even when the thought of pain and homelessness is like a bitter poison, and its all I can think about that it makes my spirit depressed, hope returns when you remember this one thing.
The lords UNFAILING love and mercy still continues.
FRESH as the MORNING and as sure as the sunrise.

Christ is all you have. And it doesn't get better than that. Smile, it makes it all easy.

Here is a song from Jamie Grace, titled beautiful day. Makes me smile am sure it will have the same effect on you:

Please comment and share your experiences about how you get through each day.

Love Suzanne.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. So true..
    Self Motivation helps me stay happy when i don't think i have any reason to....But in all Being grateful for everything and anything also helps.
    Nice Post Suze, Keep it up

    1. Ugo dear thanks for reading. We need to catch up asap.

  2. God bless you. A little smile can make someone elses day! Thanks for reminding us again.

  3. Isaacola thanks for stopping by :)

  4. So true! I love your spirit. For me everytime I feel down or feel like I have so much problems, I remember that there are million and one people who would happily exchange their life for mine.. even with all the problems I claim to have. There is always beauty in life it all depends on the lens we chose to use.

    1. Well said. I would add that thought to my armour against feeling overwhelmed with issues of life. Thanks for stopping by.

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