
Thursday, January 9, 2014


Hey everyone! How is your day going? Well am sorry for not posting earlier than this. I have been out of touch with myself lately and had to put so many things In place. Am glad I am back, alive and well. And I hope you are too?

Its just 9days into 2014 and I thought to start new series that would be regular from mondays through sundays(different tags tho). Today is tagged 'Emotion Thursday'. I would be sharing a piece called 'Dear heart' its the daily dialogue that goes on with our inner man, the confusion et all.

I would appreciate feedbacks, and I am going to be accepting entries from others who wish to be part of the series. Ranging from articles to letters, talking about what confuses human, ranging from the easiest to vilest of sins. The confusion that ensues in our lives.

Please do send you entries to I would love to read and feature your thoughts.

I would start off with mine. Enjoy the read.

Dear Heart!

I won't shower you with pleasantries, because you must be still hung up on the binge of emotions that easily beset you.. Most times I wonder if I belong to you or you belong to me?

They said follow your heart, but I am afraid it has gone too far, exceeding proper boundaries and taking me into territories unknown. I have decided not to accompany you on that journey.

Because most times I end up being the one at risk hence making my eyes swap its white color for scarlet like rainbows after a thunderstorm. Only that it has just two colors in its repertoire (Red and white. Red is so not my color.)

You developed a mind of your own, grew wings and feet and took off for your adventures, you only ended up getting us into trouble. Now I am afraid to do a review of my life because I don't know what I would find,with your recent escapades am sure I would be disappointed with the ratings.

You assailed my thoughts with doubts all because of your emotions, you tour all the wrong places in search of love and acceptance. Leaving me wasted and drained in
No wonder the good book says in Prov 4:23 above all else guard your HEART for it is the wellspring of life.

But now I know better, I choose to trust in the lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, resting in his will and watching him set right the paths that I tread.
Knowing that it ain't about me and you any longer, but the masters will, not about what I want but what I need. Because I desire a will and a calling above mine.

So before you decide to apologize and I get sucked into your mess again. Here is what I have decided.


To him whose will I desire above mine,The creator of all flesh.
To break and mend us back again.
So here is me saying though you may be frail and fail,
God will strengthen you and remain my portion forever.

Here is to a new beginning, a fresh start and a peace filled life.

P.S In case you are planning on rebelling against me, know that I will keep renewing you till you have no other option than to succumb to God's will. And yes its a do or die affair.

I ain't judas nor peter, so don't give me that forlorn look, Its a done deal.

With indifference
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. I love your heart to God? What could be greater?....and yes it comes with no regrets, rather the benefits are built to last for a life time

    Kudos girl

    1. Like you wrote on your bbm status. No holds barred. Let go and let God. Give up everything and I know its benefit last forever. Thanks for reading

  2. I'm interested in being a part of this series. Love the start. An address to the heart, the most treacherous of the human anatomy

  3. My prayer everyday, purify my thoughts oh lord.its even funny how the heart darts from here to there in seconds. Thanks for reading. And I would love to feature your it to me.

  4. hmmmmmm sue why do you want to streamline the job of the @ too just pumping blood?

  5. well done sis u've touched a soul

    1. Awwww sammy. Thanks for reading. And I never streamlined it, its just that the pics was funny and sometimes I just wish it would stick with blood pumping.

  6. 'Dear heart, sometimes I wonder if I belong to you or you belong to me' and that is just one of the many "hooks" for me.

    You have written a great piece. To wrap it all up the way you did is just brilliant. BRILLIANT dear.

    I am sure the heart knows now it has no say in this matter.

    1. Thanks Goke, am not betraying nor denying it am just helping it find help. Lol no say whatsoever.
